Участок совпадает с РПП Урочище Кувшин (Пост. Воронежского ОИК от 21.01.1969 № 55 и ПА Воронежской обл. от 28.05.1998 № 500).
1. Кадастр. Воронежской области, 2001;
2. Красная книга Воронежской области, 2011;
3. Красная книга Российской Федерации, 2008;
4. Сведения А.Я. Григорьевской.
Forest Mensuration Van Laar and Akca is popular text book, Forest Mensuration, was first published in 1997. Like that first edition, this modern update is based on ...
Delphiniums Gardeners throughout the world love these majestic tall flowers, but few are aware of the many colors and forms that are now available with the burst ...