Medicinal and Food Plants : With 200 Illustrations for Artists and Craftspeople

Ernst and Johanna Lehner / Medicinal and Food Plants : With 200 Illustrations for Artists and Craftspeople / Book Description This fascinating reference offers a crisp pictorial record of foods found on our tables today that ...Название:Medicinal and Food Plants : With 200 Illustrations for Artists and Craftspeople
Автор:Ernst and Johanna Lehner
Количество страниц:128
Цена:656 руб.
Описание:Book Description This fascinating reference offers a crisp pictorial record of foods found on our tables today that emerged thousands of years ago in faraway lands. Scores of rare woodcuts enhance intriguing anecdotes about the origins of grains and coffee, the odysseys of pineapples and peanuts, and the mysteries behind breadfruit, pomegranates, poppies, and other exotic plants. An invaluable resource of royalty-free images for commercial artists and hobbyists; delightful reading for anyone interested in the legendary and symbolic properties of food and medicinal plants. 200 black-and-white illustrations.
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