Encyclopedia of Roses

Charles & Brigid Quest-Ritson / Encyclopedia of Roses / This is a new edition of this A-Z guide to the world’s favourite flower, from the experts at the RHS. From the ...Название:Encyclopedia of Roses
Автор:Charles & Brigid Quest-Ritson
Издатель:Дорлинг Киндерсли
Количество страниц:448
Цена:1 637 руб.
Описание:This is a new edition of this A-Z guide to the world’s favourite flower, from the experts at the RHS. From the Barkarole to the Moonbeam, discover everything you need to know about roses with «The RHS Encyclopedia of Roses», the definitive A-Z guide to over 2,000 species. Every rose is thoroughly catalogued with detailed descriptions from the size of their flowers and their scent, to growing habits, cultivation, breeding and name origins. Keep your roses blooming following practical advice on care, cultivation and the latest growing techniques. Plus an introduction on rose history, anatomy, special gardens and the breeding of new varieties makes «The RHS Encyclopedia of Roses» the ultimate reference for every rose enthusiast.
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