Roses Revealed: Find Your Perfect Roses

Dermot O’Neill / Roses Revealed: Find Your Perfect Roses / Offering information on 200 varieties of roses, this definitive illustrated guide for rose enthusiasts and gardeners ...Название:Roses Revealed: Find Your Perfect Roses
Автор:Dermot O’Neill
Издатель:Ball Publishing
Количество страниц:192
Цена:4 916 руб.
Описание:Offering information on 200 varieties of roses, this definitive illustrated guide for rose enthusiasts and gardeners encapsulates all the romance of the universally popular, long flowering plant. The first section showcases the best rose options for particular purposes in the garden — such as which kinds provide the best ground cover, which look best trailing over a wall, and which are more appropriate for smaller gardens. Each rose is given an enthusiastic, personal perspective from an expert and is accompanied by glorious color photography. The second section is a directory of pertinent information for each rose, including flowering period, height and spread, and shade tolerance. The final section covers rose care with expert advice and easy-to-follow instructions. The majority of these selections are readily available in the United States, making this the ideal reference for anyone looking to decorate their garden with the flower known as an international symbol of love and...
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